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Sources: Gems Of Divine Mysteries

O thou whom We have outwardly never met, yet whom We inwardly cherish

in Our heart! Be fair in thy judgement and present thyself before Him Who

seeth and knoweth thee, even if thou seest and knowest Him not: Can any

soul be found to elucidate these words with such convincing arguments,

clear testimonies, and unmistakable allusions as to appease the heart of

the seeker and relieve the soul of the listener? Nay, by the One in Whose

hand is My soul! Unto none is given to quaff even a dewdrop thereof unless

he entereth within this city, a city whose foundations rest upon mountains

of crimson-coloured ruby, whose walls are hewn of the chrysolite of divine

unity, whose gates are made of the diamonds of immortality, and whose

earth sheddeth the fragrance of divine bounty.

