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Sources: The Summons Of The Lord Of Hosts By Baha'u'llah

In His name, the All-Glorious!

1 Hearken, O Chief,(61) to the voice of God, the Sovereign, the Help in

Peril, the Self-Subsisting. He, verily, calleth aloud between heaven and

earth, summoning all mankind unto the scene of transcendent glory. Neither

thy grunting, nor the barking of those around thee, nor the opposition of

the hosts of the world can withhold the Almighty from achieving His

purpose. The wh
le world hath been set ablaze by the Word of thy Lord, the

All-Glorious, a Word softer than the morning breeze. It hath been

manifested in the form of the human temple, and through it God hath

quickened the souls of the sincere among His servants. In its inner

essence, this Word is the living water by which God hath purified the

hearts of such as have turned unto Him and forgotten every other mention,

and through which He draweth them nigh unto the seat of His mighty Name.

We have sprinkled it upon the people of the graves, and lo, they have

risen up, with their gaze fixed upon the shining and resplendent Beauty of

their Lord.

2 Thou hast, O Chief, committed that which hath caused Muhammad, the

Apostle of God, to lament in the most sublime Paradise. The world hath

made thee proud, so much so that thou hast turned away from the Face

through whose brightness the Concourse on high hath been illumined. Soon

thou shalt find thyself in manifest loss! Thou didst conspire with the

Persian Ambassador to harm Me, though I had come unto you from the source

of majesty and grandeur with a Revelation that hath solaced the eyes of

the favoured ones of God.

3 By God! This is the Day wherein the undying Fire crieth out from within

all created things: The Best-Beloved of the worlds is come! And before

all things there standeth a Moses, hearkening to the Word of thy Lord, the

Almighty, the All-Knowing. Were We to divest Ourself of the mortal raiment

which We have worn in consideration of your weakness, all that are in

heaven and on earth would offer up their souls for My sake. To this thy

Lord Himself doth testify. None, however, can perceive it save those who

have detached themselves from all things for love of their Lord, the

Almighty, the Most Powerful.

4 Hast thou imagined thyself capable of extinguishing the fire which God

hath kindled in the heart of creation? Nay, by Him Who is the Eternal

Truth, couldst thou but know it. Rather, on account of what thy hands have

wrought, it blazed higher and burned more fiercely. Erelong will it

encompass the earth and all that dwell therein. Thus hath it been decreed

by God, and the powers of earth and heaven are unable to thwart His


5 The day is approaching when the Land of Mystery(62) and what is beside

it shall be changed, and shall pass out of the hands of the King, and

commotions shall appear, and the voice of lamentation shall be raised, and

the evidences of mischief shall be revealed on all sides, and confusion

shall spread by reason of that which hath befallen these captives at the

hands of the hosts of oppression. The course of things shall be altered,

and conditions shall wax so grievous, that the very sands on the desolate

hills will moan, and the trees on the mountain will weep, and blood will

flow out of all things. Then wilt thou behold the people in sore


6 O Chief! We revealed Ourself unto thee at one time upon Mount Tina, and

at another time upon Mount Zayta,(64) and yet again in this hallowed Spot.

Following, however, thy corrupt inclinations, thou didst fail to respond

and wert accounted with the heedless. Consider, then, and call thou to

mind the time when Muhammad came with clear tokens from Him Who is the

Almighty, the All-Knowing. The people were wont to pelt Him with stones

from hidden places and in the markets, and they rejected the signs of God,

thy Lord and the Lord of thy forefathers. The learned also denied Him, as

did their followers, and likewise the kings of the earth, as thou hast

heard from the tales of old. Among those kings was Chosroes,(65) to whom

Muhammad sent a blessed epistle summoning him unto God and forbidding him

from misbelief. Verily, thy Lord knoweth all things. Following the

promptings of his evil and corrupt desires, however, Chosroes waxed

arrogant before God and tore up the Tablet. He, verily, is accounted among

the inmates of the nethermost fire.

7 Was it in Pharaoh's power to stay the hand of God from exercising His

sovereignty when he acted wantonly in the land and was of the

transgressors? From within his own house and in spite of his will We

brought forth Him Who conversed with God. Well able are We to achieve Our

purpose. Recall, moreover, how Nimrod kindled the fire of impiety that its

flames might consume Abraham, the Friend of God; We delivered Him,

however, through the power of truth and seized Nimrod with the fury of Our

wrath. Say: The Oppressor(66) put to death the Beloved of the worlds to

quench the light of God amongst the people and to debar them from the

wellspring of life eternal in the days of thy Lord, the Gracious, the Most


8 We, too, have revealed the Cause of God in His cities and raised aloft

His remembrance amidst them that truly believe in Him. Say: This Youth

hath come to quicken the world and unite all its peoples. The day is

approaching when that which God hath purposed will have prevailed and thou

shalt behold the earth transformed into the all-glorious paradise. Thus

hath it been inscribed by the Pen of Revelation upon this weighty Tablet.

9 Forsake Thy mention of the Chief, O Pen, and call to remembrance Anis,

that intimate of the love of God who severed himself from the wayward and

the infidel. He tore the veils asunder in such wise that the inmates of

Paradise could hear them being rent. Glorified be God, the Sovereign, the

Powerful, the All-Knowing, the All-Wise.

10 O nightingale! Incline thine ear unto the voice of the All-Glorious on

this night when armed troops have surrounded Us while We remain in a state

of utmost joy. O would that our blood might be shed upon the earth and our

bodies cast upon the dust in the path of God! This, indeed, is My desire

and the desire of whosoever hath sought Me and attained unto My most

wondrous, Mine incomparable Kingdom.

11 Know thou, O servant, that one day, upon awakening, We found the

beloved of God at the mercy of Our adversaries. Sentinels were posted at

every gate and no one was permitted to enter or leave. Indeed, they

perpetrated a sore injustice, for the loved ones of God and His kindred

were left on the first night without food. Such was the fate of those for

whose sake the world and all that is therein have been created. Woe betide

the perpetrators and those who led them into such evil! Erelong will God

consume their souls in the fire. He, verily, is the fiercest of avengers.

12 The people surrounded the house, and Muslims and Christians wept over

Us, and the voice of lamentation was upraised between earth and heaven by

reason of what the hands of the oppressors had wrought. We perceived that

the weeping of the people of the Son exceeded the weeping of others--a sign

for such as ponder.

13 One of My companions offered up his life, cutting his throat with his

own hands for the love of God, an act unheard of in bygone centuries and

which God hath set apart for this Revelation as an evidence of the power

of His might.(67) He, verily, is the Unconstrained, the All-Subduing. As

for the one who thus slew himself in 'Iraq,(68) he truly is the King and

Beloved of Martyrs, and that which he evinced was a testimony from God

unto the peoples of the earth. Such souls have been influenced by the Word

of God, have tasted the sweetness of His remembrance, and are so

transported by the breezes of reunion that they have detached themselves

from all that dwell on earth and turned unto the Divine Countenance with

faces beaming with light. And though they have committed an act which God

hath forbidden, He hath nevertheless forgiven them as a token of His

mercy. He, verily, is the Ever-Forgiving, the Most Compassionate. So

enraptured were these souls by Him Who is the All-Compelling that the

reins of volition slipped from their grasp, until at last they ascended to

the dwelling of the Unseen and entered the presence of God, the Almighty,

the All-Knowing.

14 Say: This Youth hath departed out of this country and deposited beneath

every tree and every stone a trust, which God will erelong bring forth

through the power of truth. Thus hath the True One come and the command of

Him Who is the Ordainer, the All-Wise, been fulfilled. The hosts of earth

and heaven are powerless to resist His Cause, nor can all the kings and

rulers of the world ever frustrate His purpose. Say: Adversity is the oil

which feedeth the flame of this Lamp and by which its light is increased,

did ye but know. Indeed, the repudiation of the froward serveth but to

proclaim this Faith and to spread the Cause of God and His Revelation

throughout the world.

15 Great is your blessedness, inasmuch as ye have forsaken your homes and

wandered the land for the love of your Lord, the Almighty, the Ancient of

Days, until ye entered the Land of Mystery at a time when the fire of

oppression was ablaze and the croaking of the raven of discord had been

raised. Ye are My partners in My tribulations, for ye were present with Us

during the darksome night in which the hearts of those who testify to the

unity of God were agitated. Ye entered this land for the sake of Our love,

and departed therefrom through Our command. By the righteousness of God!

Because of you the earth itself glorieth over heaven. How excellent is

this most sublime, this glorious and exalted bounty! Ye have been deprived

of your nest, O birds of eternity, for the sake of your Lord, the

Unconstrained, but your true abode is beneath the wings of the grace of

the All-Merciful. Blessed are they that understand.

16 O My Dhabih! May the breaths of the spirit waft upon thee and upon such

as have sought communion with thee, inhaled from thee the sweet fragrance

of My presence, and hearkened unto that whereby the hearts of the true

seekers are sanctified. Render thanks unto God inasmuch as thou hast

attained unto the shores of this Most Great Ocean, and give ear to the

very atoms of the earth proclaiming: This is the Best-Beloved of the

worlds! The dwellers of the earth have wronged Him and failed to

recognize the One Whose name they ceaselessly invoke. Lost are such as

have remained heedless and have opposed Him for Whose loved ones it would

have behoved them to offer up their lives, how much more for His own

luminous and resplendent Beauty!

17 Be thou patient, though thy heart be consumed in its separation from

God, for He hath granted thee an exalted station in His presence. Nay,

thou art even now standing before His face, and We are imparting unto

thee, through the tongue of might and power, such words as even the ears

of the sincere ones have been deprived of hearing. Say: Were He to utter

but one word, that word alone would exceed in sweetness all the sayings of


18 Had Muhammad, the Apostle of God, attained this Day, He would have

exclaimed: I have truly recognized Thee, O Thou the Desire of the Divine

Messengers! Had Abraham attained it, He too, falling prostrate upon the

ground, and in the utmost lowliness before the Lord thy God, would have

cried: Mine heart is filled with peace, O Thou Lord of all that is in

heaven and on earth! I testify that Thou hast unveiled before mine eyes

all the glory of Thy power and the full majesty of Thy law! I bear

witness, moreover, that through Thy Revelation the hearts of the faithful

are well assured and contented. Had Moses Himself attained it, He,

likewise, would have raised His voice saying: All praise be to Thee for

having lifted upon me the light of Thy countenance and enrolled me among

them that have been privileged to behold Thy face!

19 Consider the people and their condition. Reflect upon the things that

their mouths have uttered and that their hands have wrought in this

blessed, this most holy and peerless Day. They that have tarnished the

good name of the Cause of God and turned unto the Evil One are accursed of

all created things and are numbered among the inmates of the fire. Verily,

whosoever hath hearkened to My call shall remain unperturbed by the

clamour of all that are on earth; and whosoever is influenced by the words

of anyone beside Me hath never heard My call. By God! Such a man is

deprived of entering My Kingdom, is debarred from My realms of majesty and

power, and is of them that are in utter loss.

20 Sorrow not for that which hath befallen thee. Thou hast borne for My

love that which most people have never endured. Thy Lord knoweth and is

informed of all. He was with thee in the assemblages and gatherings, and

heard that which flowed from the wellspring of thy heart in remembrance of

thy Lord, the All-Merciful. This, indeed, is a token of His bountiful


21 Erelong will God raise up from among the kings one who will aid His

loved ones. He, verily, encompasseth all things. He will instill in the

hearts the love of His loved ones. This, indeed, is irrevocably decreed by

One Who is the Almighty, the Beneficent.

22 We beseech God to gladden the hearts of His servants through thy call,

to make thee an ensign of guidance in His lands, and to assist through

thee those who have been brought low. Heed not the one who raised a loud

clamour and he who raiseth it even now. Let thy Lord, the Ever-Forgiving,

the Most Generous, be all-sufficient unto thee. Relate unto My loved ones

that which thou hast seen and learned of the tale of this Youth, and

convey unto them that which We have imparted unto thee. Verily, thy Lord

assisteth and watcheth over thee at all times and under all conditions.

The blessings of the Concourse on high surround thee, and the kindred and

the leaves of the holy family who circle round the celestial Tree extol

thee with a wondrous praise.

23 O Pen of Revelation! Call Thou to remembrance him(69) whose letter

reached Us during this darksome night. He it is who wandered from region

to region until he entered the City,(70) seeking the shelter of the mercy

of his Lord, the Almighty, the Most High. Eagerly awaiting the favours of

his Lord, he dwelt therein for a night, but departed therefrom the

following morning as bidden by God, filling with sorrow the heart of this

Youth. To this the Almighty is Himself a witness.

24 Great is thy blessedness, for thou hast received the wine of utterance

from the hand of the All-Merciful, and became so enraptured by the sweet

fragrance of the Best-Beloved as to renounce thy comfort and to be

numbered with them that have hastened unto His Paradise, the Dawning-Place

of the signs of thy Lord, the Gracious, the Peerless. Happy the one who

hath quaffed the wine of inner mysteries from the countenance of his Lord

and been intoxicated by this pure and crystal draught. By God! It causeth

every true believer to soar in the heaven of majesty and grandeur, and

transmuteth every doubt into certainty.

25 Grieve not at what hath befallen thee, but put thy whole trust in God,

the Almighty, the All-Knowing, the Wise. Raise thy house upon the solid

foundation of divine utterances, and give praise to thy Lord. He, verily,

shall suffice thee above all the peoples of the earth.

26 God hath, in truth, inscribed your names upon a Tablet wherein are

enshrined the hidden secrets of all that hath been. Erelong shall the

faithful call to remembrance your exile and all your journeys in His path.

He, verily, loveth those who love Him, and is the helper of the sincere.

By the righteousness of God! The eyes of the Concourse on high are fixed

upon you and their fingers point towards you. Thus doth the bounty of your

Lord encompass you. Would that the people might recognize that which hath

escaped them in the days of God, the All-Glorious, the All-Praised.

27 Render thanks unto God for having aided thee to know Him and to enter

within the precincts of His court at a time when the ungodly surrounded

the family of thy Lord and His loved ones, and expelled them from their

homes with manifest cruelty, intending to separate us at the shore of the

sea. Verily, thy Lord is aware of that which lieth concealed within the

breasts of the unbelievers. Say: Even should ye tear our bodies asunder,

ye could not banish from our hearts the love of God. We were of a truth

created for sacrifice, and in this do we take pride before all creation.

28 O thou who art set aglow with the fire of the love of God! Know thou

that thy letter hath reached Us and that We have been apprised of its

contents. We beseech God to confirm thee in His love and in His good

pleasure, to assist thee in the promotion of His Cause, and to number thee

with such as have arisen for the triumph of His Faith.

29 As to thy question regarding the soul: Know thou that among the people

there are numerous treatises and manifold views as to its stations. Among

these are the soul of the kingdom, the soul of the dominion, the celestial

soul, the divine soul, the sanctified soul, as well as the benevolent

soul, the contented soul, the soul pleasing unto God, the inspired soul,

the irascible soul, and the concupiscent soul. Every group hath its own

pronouncements concerning the soul and We are disinclined to dwell upon

the sayings of the past. Verily, with thy Lord is the knowledge of the

former and latter generations.

30 Would that thou wert present before Our throne to hear from the Tongue

of Grandeur itself that which thou desirest and scale the loftiest heights

of knowledge by the grace of Him Who is the All-Knowing, the All-Wise! The

ungodly, however, have intervened between us. Take heed lest thou be

grieved thereby. Be content with that which hath been ordained by an

irrevocable decree, and be of them that endure with patience.

31 Know that the soul which is common to all men cometh forth following

the commingling of things and after their maturation, as thou dost observe

in the germ: once it hath developed to its predestined stage, God

manifesteth the soul that was latent within it. Thy Lord, verily, doeth

what He willeth and ordaineth what He pleaseth.

32 As to the soul which is intended, in truth it hath been called forth by

the Word of God and is such that, if it be kindled with the fire of the

love of its Lord, neither the waters of opposition nor the oceans of the

world can quench its flame. That soul is indeed a fire ablaze in the tree

of man which proclaimeth: No God is there but Him! Whosoever hearkeneth

unto its call is verily of those who have attained unto Him. And when it

casteth off its earthly frame, God shall raise it up again in the most

excellent of forms and cause it to enter a sublime paradise. Thy Lord, of

a certainty, hath power over all things.

33 Know, furthermore, that the life of man proceedeth from the spirit, and

the spirit turneth to wheresoever the soul directeth it. Ponder upon that

which We have revealed unto thee that thou mayest recognize the Soul of

God which hath appeared above the Dayspring of bounty invested with

manifest sovereignty.

34 Know also that the soul is endowed with two wings: should it soar in

the atmosphere of love and contentment, then it will be related to the

All-Merciful. And should it fly in the atmosphere of self and desire, then

it will pertain to the Evil One; may God shield and protect us and protect

you therefrom, O ye who perceive! Should the soul become ignited with the

fire of the love of God, it is called benevolent and pleasing unto God,

but should it be consumed with the fire of passion, it is known as the

concupiscent soul. Thus have We expounded this subject for thee that thou

mayest obtain a clear understanding.

35 O Pen of the Most High! Recount unto him who hath turned unto Thy Lord,

the All-Glorious, that which shall enable him to dispense with the sayings

of men. Say: Spirit, mind, soul, and the powers of sight and hearing are

but one single reality which hath manifold expressions owing to the

diversity of its instruments. As thou dost observe, man's power to

comprehend, move, speak, hear, and see all derive from this sign of his

Lord within him. It is single in its essence, yet manifold through the

diversity of its instruments. This, verily, is a certain truth. For

example, if it directeth its attention to the means of hearing, then

hearing and its attributes become manifest. Likewise, if it directeth

itself to the means of vision, a different effect and attribute appear.

Reflect upon this subject that thou mayest comprehend the true meaning of

what hath been intended, find thyself independent of the sayings of the

people, and be of them that are well assured. In like manner, when this

sign of God turneth towards the brain, the head, and such means, the

powers of the mind and the soul are manifested. Thy Lord, verily, is

potent to do whatsoever He pleaseth.

36 All that We have mentioned here hath been elucidated in the Tablets We

have revealed in response to questions regarding the disconnected letters

of the Qur'an. Ponder them that thou mayest comprehend that which hath

been sent down from the Kingdom of Him Who is the Almighty, the

All-Praised. Thus have We chosen to be concise in this Tablet. We beseech

God to acquaint thee through this brief exposition with that which words

can never hope to exhaust, and to give thee to drink of the limitless

oceans from this cup. Thy Lord, verily, is the All-Bountiful and

unassailable in His power.

37 O Pen of the Ancient of Days! Call Thou to remembrance 'Ali,(71) he who

sojourned with Thee in 'Iraq until the Daystar of the world departed

therefrom. He forsook his home to attain the court of Thy presence at a

time when We were captive in the hands of such as have been deprived of

the sweet savours of the All-Merciful. Grieve not at what hath befallen Us

and thee in the path of God. Rest assured and persevere. He, verily,

rendereth victorious those who love Him, and His might is equal to all

things. Whoso turneth unto Him brighteneth thereby the faces of the

Concourse on high, and unto this God Himself is My witness.

38 Say: O people, do ye imagine that, after rejecting the One through Whom

the religions of the world have been made manifest, ye still bear

allegiance to the Faith of God? By the righteousness of God! Ye are

accounted among the inmates of the Fire. Thus hath the decree been

recorded in the Tablets by the Pen of God. Say: Never will the barking of

dogs deter the Nightingale from warbling its melodies. Ponder awhile that

perchance ye may discover a path leading to the Eternal Truth.

39 Say: Magnified art Thou, O Lord my God! I entreat Thee by the tears Thy

lovers have shed in their longing after Thee, and by the yearning of those

who cry out in their separation from Thee, and by Thy Best-Beloved Who

hath fallen into the hands of Thine adversaries, to graciously assist

those who have sought refuge beneath the sheltering wings of Thy favour

and loving-kindness, and who have yearned for no other Lord except Thee.

40 We have forsaken our homes, O Lord, in our eagerness to meet Thee and

in our longing to be united with Thee. We have traversed land and sea to

attain the court of Thy presence and to give ear to Thy verses. When we

arrived at the shores of the sea, however, we were held back from Thee, as

the ungodly intervened between us and the light of Thy countenance.

41 O Lord! Dire thirst hath seized us, and with Thee are the soft-flowing

waters of eternal life. Potent art Thou to do what pleaseth Thee. Deny us

not the object of our quest. Write down then for us the recompense decreed

for such of Thy servants as enjoy near access to Thee and are wholly

devoted to Thy will. Make us so steadfast in Thy love that naught shall

keep us back from Thee or deter us from Thine adoration. Powerful art Thou

to do Thy pleasure. Thou, verily, art the Almighty, the Most Generous.

