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115 The Crimson Ark #84
The Kitab-i-aqdas
The Crimson Ark refers to the Cause of Baha'u'llah. His followers are
designated as the companions of the Crimson Ark, lauded by the Bab in
the Qayyumu'l-Asma.
11 Six Specific Passages Have Been Sent Down By God The Revealer Of Verses #8
The passages that form part of the Prayer for the Dead comprise the repetition of the greeting Allah-u-Abha (God is the All-Glorious) six times, each followed by nineteen repetitions of one of six specifically revealed verses. These verses are ide...
For were they to reach the ultimate object of their quest for God and their attainment unto Him, they would have but reached that abode which hath been raised up within their own hearts. How then could they ever hope to ascend unto such realms as have...
110 We Have Permitted You To Read Such Sciences As Are Profitable Unto You Not Such As End In Idle Disputation #77
The Baha'i Writings enjoin the acquisition of knowledge and the study of the arts and sciences. Baha'is are admonished to respect people of learning and accomplishment, and are warned against the pursuit of studies that are productive only of futi...
Know, moreover, that should the cord of assistance binding this mighty Pivot to the dwellers of earth and heaven be severed, they would all assuredly perish. Great God! How can the lowly dust ever reach unto Him Who is the Lord of lords? Immeasurably...
111 He Who Held Converse With God #80
This is a traditional Jewish and Islamic title of Moses. Baha'u'llah states that with the coming of His Revelation human ears have been privileged to hear what He Who conversed with God heard upon Sinai. ...
Yea, the seeker reacheth a station wherein that which hath been ordained for him knoweth no bounds. The fire of love so blazeth in his heart that it seizeth the reins of constraint from his grasp. At every moment his love for his Lord increaseth and ...
112 Sinai #80
The mountain where the Law was revealed by God to Moses. ...
In these days, inasmuch as We have lifted not the veils that conceal the countenance of the Cause of God, nor disclosed unto men the fruits of these stations which We have been forbidden to describe, thou beholdest them drunk with heedlessness. Other...
113 The Spirit Of God #80
This is one of the titles used in the Islamic and Baha'i Writings to designate Jesus Christ. ...
From this station the wayfarer ascendeth unto a City that hath no name or description, and whereof one heareth neither sound nor mention. Therein flow the oceans of eternity, whilst this city itself revolveth round the seat of eternity. Therein the s...
114 Carmel Zion #80
Carmel, the Vineyard of God, is the mountain in the Holy Land where the Shrine of the Bab and the seat of the world administrative centre of the Faith are situated. Zion is a hill in Jerusalem, the traditional site of the tomb of King...
Know, moreover, that when We undertook to reveal these words and committed some of them to writing, it was Our intention to elucidate for thine eminence, in the sweet accents of the blessed and the well-favoured of God, all that We had previously men...
115 The Crimson Ark #84
The Crimson Ark refers to the Cause of Baha'u'llah. His followers are designated as the companions of the Crimson Ark, lauded by the Bab in the Qayyumu'l-Asma. ...
Yet, should thine eminence reflect upon these brief statements, thou wouldst assuredly acquire every knowledge, attain unto the Object of all learning, and exclaim: "Sufficient are these words unto all creation both visible and invisible!" ...
116 O Emperor Of Austria!
He Who is the Dayspring of God's Light dwelt in the prison of Akka at the time when thou didst set forth to visit the Aqsa Mosque. 85 Francis Joseph (Franz Josef, 1830-1916), Emperor of Austria and King of Hungary, made a pilgrimage to Jerusale...
Even so, should the fire of love burn within thy soul, thou wouldst ask: "Is there yet any more?" (67) And We say: "Praise be to God, the Lord of the worlds!" ...
117 O King Of Berlin! #86
Kaiser William I (Wilhelm Friedrich Ludwig, 1797-1888), the seventh king of Prussia, was acclaimed first Emperor of Germany in January 1871 at Versailles in France, following the victory of Germany over France in the Franco-Prussian War. ...
118 The One Whose Power Transcended Thy Power And Whose Station Excelled Thy Station #86
This is a reference to Napoleon III (1808-1873), the Emperor of the French, who was regarded by many historians as the most outstanding monarch of his day in the West. Baha'u'llah addressed two Tablets to Napoleon III, in the second of which He...
119 O People Of Constantinople! #89
The word here translated as Constantinople is, in the original, Ar-Rum or Rome. This term has generally been used in the Middle East to designate Constantinople and the Eastern Roman Empire, then the city of Byzantium and its empire, and later the...
11: O Son Of Being! Thou Art My Lamp And My Light Is In Thee
O SON OF BEING! Thou art My lamp and My light is in thee. Get thou from it thy radiance and seek none other than Me. For I have created thee rich and have bountifully shed My favor upon thee. ...
11: O Son Of Dust! Blind Thine Eyes That Thou Mayest Behold My
O SON OF DUST! Blind thine eyes, that thou mayest behold My beauty; stop thine ears, that thou mayest hearken unto the sweet melody of My voice; empty thyself of all learning, that thou mayest partake of My knowledge; and sanctify thyself from ric...
Such is the text of the verses revealed in the past. By Him besides Whom there is none other God, I have chosen to be brief, for were I to recount all the words that have been sent down unto the Prophets of God from the realm of His supernal glory an...
12 Hair Doth Not Invalidate Your Prayer
nor aught from which the spirit hath departed, such as bones and the like. Ye are free to wear the fur of the sable as ye would that of the beaver, the squirrel, and other animals 9 In some earlier religious Dispensations, the wearing of the ha...
120 O Spot That Art Situate On The Shores Of The Two Seas! #89
This is a reference to Constantinople, now called Istanbul. Located on the Bosphorus, a strait about 31 kilometres long which links the Black Sea and the Sea of Marmara, it is the largest city and seaport of Turkey. Constantinople was the capita...