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131 Approach Not The Public Pools Of Persian Baths #106

Categories: NOTES
Sources: The Kitab-i-aqdas

Baha'u'llah prohibits the use of the pools found in the traditional public

bath-houses of Persia. In these baths it was the custom for many people to

wash themselves in the same pool and for the water to be changed at

infrequent intervals. Consequently, the water was discoloured, befouled

and unhygienic, and had a highly offensive stench.

132. Avoid ye likewise the malodorous pools in the courtyards of Persian

homes 106

Most houses in Persia used to have a pool in their courtyard which served

as a reservoir for water used for cleaning, washing and other domestic

purposes. Since the water in the pool was stagnant and was not usually

changed for weeks at a time, it tended to develop a very unpleasant odour.

