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147 The Number Of Months In A Year Appointed In The Book Of God Is Nineteen #127

Categories: NOTES
Sources: The Kitab-i-aqdas

The Baha'i year, in accordance with the Badi calendar, consists of

nineteen months of nineteen days each, with the addition of certain

intercalary days (four in an ordinary year and five in a leap year)

between the eighteenth and nineteenth months in order to adjust the

calendar to the solar year. The Bab named the months after certain

attributes of God. The Baha'i New Year, Naw-Ruz, is astronomically fixed,

coinciding with the March equinox (see note 26). For further details,

including the names of the days of the week and the months, see the

section on the Baha'i calendar in The Baha'i World, volume XVIII.

