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78 Nine Mithqals Of Gold To Be Doubled If They Should Repeat The Offence #49

Categories: NOTES
Sources: The Kitab-i-aqdas

A mithqal is a unit of weight. The weight of the traditional mithqal

used in the Middle East is equivalent to 24 nakhuds. However, the

mithqal used by the Baha'is consists of 19 nakhuds, in accordance

with the specification of the Bayan (Q and A 23). The weight of nine of

these mithqals equals 32.775 grammes or 1.05374 troy ounces.

In relation to the application of the fine, Baha'u'llah clearly specifies

that each succeeding fine is double the preceding one (Q and A 23); thus

the fine imposed increases in geometrical progression. The imposition of

this fine is intended for a future condition of society, at which time the

law will be supplemented and applied by the Universal House of Justice.

