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93 No Marriage May Be Contracted Without Payment Of A Dowry #66

Categories: NOTES
Sources: The Kitab-i-aqdas

The Synopsis and Codification, section IV.C.1.j.i.-v., summarizes the main

provisions concerning the dowry. These provisions have their antecedents

in the Bayan.

The dowry is to be paid by the bridegroom to the bride. It is fixed at 19

mithqals of pure gold for city-dwellers, and 19 mithqals of silver for

village-dwellers (see note 94). Baha'u'llah indicates that, if, at the

time of the wedding, the bride
room is unable to pay the dowry in full, it

is permissible for him to issue a promissory note to the bride (Q and A


With the Revelation of Baha'u'llah many familiar concepts, customs and

institutions are redefined and take on new meaning. One of these is the

dowry. The institution of dowry is a very ancient practice in many

cultures and takes many forms. In some countries it is a payment made by

the parents of the bride to the bridegroom; in others it is a payment made

by the bridegroom to the parents of the bride, called a bride-price. In

both such cases the amount is often quite considerable. The law of

Baha'u'llah abolishes all such variants and converts the dowry into a

symbolic act whereby the bridegroom presents a gift of a certain limited

value to the bride.

