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Lauded And Glorified Art Thou, O Lord My God!

Sources: Prayers And Meditations

Lauded and glorified art Thou, O Lord my God! Thou art He Who from

everlasting hath been clothed with majesty, with authority and power, and

will continue unto everlasting to be arrayed with honor, with strength and

glory. The learned, one and all, stand aghast before the signs and tokens

of Thy handiwork, while the wise find themselves, without exception,

impotent to unravel the mystery of Them Who are the Manifestations of Thy
might and power. Every man of insight hath confessed his powerlessness to

scale the heights of Thy knowledge, and every man of learning hath

acknowledged his failure to fathom the nature of Thine Essence.

Having barred the way that leadeth unto Thee, Thou hast, by virtue of

Thine authority and through the potency of Thy will, called into being

Them Who are the Manifestations of Thy Self, and hast entrusted Them with

Thy message unto Thy people, and caused Them to become the Day-Springs of

Thine inspiration, the Exponents of Thy Revelation, the Treasuries of Thy

Knowledge and the Repositories of Thy Faith, that all men may, through

Them, turn their faces towards Thee, and may draw nigh unto the kingdom of

Thy Revelation and the heaven of Thy grace.

I beseech Thee, therefore, by Thyself and by Them, to send down, from the

right hand of the throne of Thy grace, upon all that dwell on earth, that

which shall wash them from the stain of their trespasses against Thee, and

cause them to become wholly devoted to Thy Self, O Thou in Whose hand is

the source of all gifts, that they may all arise to serve Thy Cause, and

may detach themselves entirely from all except Thee. Thou art the

Almighty, the All-Glorious, the Unrestrained.

O my God, my Master, my Best-Beloved! I am Thy servant and the son of Thy

servant. I have held fast the cord of Thy grace, and clung to the hem of

the garment of Thy loving providence. I entreat Thee, by Thy Most Great

Name, Whom Thou hast appointed as the unerring Balance among the nations,

and Thine infallible Proof unto all men, not to forsake me, nor to abandon

me to my corrupt desires. Do Thou preserve me beneath the shadow of Thy

Supreme Sinlessness, and enable me to magnify Thine own Self amidst the

concourse of Thy creatures. Withhold not from me the Divine fragrance of

Thy days, and deprive me not of the sweet savors wafting from the

Day-Spring of Thy Revelation. Bestow on me the good of this world and of

the next, through the power of Thy grace that hath encompassed all created

things and Thy mercy that hath surpassed the entire creation. Thou art He

Who holdeth in His grasp the kingdom of all things. Thou doest what Thou

willest through Thy decree, and choosest, through the power of Thy might,

whatsoever Thou desirest. None can resist Thy will; naught can exhaust the

impelling force of Thy command. There is no God but Thee, the Almighty,

the All-Glorious, the Most Bountiful.

